Friday, August 24, 2018

Fatal Error C0000022 in Windows Solved

After updating the Windows 7, 8 or 10 OS in your system, the possibility of getting Fatal Error C0000022 are high. The system displays this fatal error when you restart or reboot your computer. While restarting the system, a splash exhibits on the screen and the Windows starts applying updates. The error occurs a while later stating Fatal error C0000022 applying update operation 348 of 84901 (bfsvc.exe) on the screen. A lot of users reported the error and they do not understand the reason for the error.
It has been said that improper Windows update installation can result in corrupting the Windows Update files, bringing the error in Windows system. Malware or any third party tool can also be responsible for the error, and the consequently Windows will fail while restarting. You can save your data from safe mode, but some users said that it is almost impossible to back up their important data. As it could be a malware or any unwanted program in your system, then you should run a full system scan or else follow the steps to get rid of the fatal error. There are multiple methods to resolve the problem, so let’s check how to solve the fatal error C0000022 in Windows.

1.    System Restore
·         If your system doesn’t manage to restart successfully, then try System Restore.
·         Press Shift key constantly while the computer is restarting.
·         Select Repair your computer.
·         Go to Troubleshoot and then Advanced Options.
·         In the Advanced Options, click System Restore.
·         The system will perform restoration and fix the problem automatically.
·         If it doesn’t work, then move to next method.
2.    Download Updates Manually
·         In case the error persists, then download the updates manually from Microsoft website.
·         Windows will update, but it is possible that you will receive the error message again.
·         In that case, you must wait for the company to release the patch of updates.
·         Till then uninstall the updates by selecting Update & Security in Settings.
·         Click Update History.
·         Again click Uninstall Updates.
·         Find the latest installed updates and right click them.
·         Select Uninstall and reboot your computer.
3.    Uninstall Updates by DISM Command
·         Open Command Prompt from Start menu search bar.
·         Click to open the prompt.
·         Type DISM.exe /Image:C:\\ /get-packages and press Enter.
·         Locate the name of the update.
·         Copy the name.
·         Type DISM.exe /Image:C:\\ /remove-package /packagename:(enter the name of the update) and press Enter.
·         Now, reboot your system.
The methods mentioned above should work correctly to get the essential results. The fatal error C0000022 must not occur but if the error persists, then either reinstall the Windows or contact the Windows support service to get the problem resolved.
Jack Tucker is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry from last 10 year. As a technical expert, he has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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